how to create a professional-looking flower arrangement at home

I love playing with flowers and creating little arrangements around the house whether its a few stems in a bud vase on the kitchen table or a vintage tea caddy filled with gorgeous sweet-smelling hyacinths on the window sill.

I discovered flower frogs a few years ago and they are just ingenious! I'm happily now selling them in the shop, available in two sizes. I thought I'd share two little arrangements I made using the two sizes and some Spring blooms I picked up in Lidl. 

Here I've used one of our aged brown pots and a teeny vintage terracotta pot I had lying around. The beauty of these little tools is that they allow you to create gorgeous arrangements in any container at all - just one that holds water and you don't need many stems at all. This is particularly helpful when you've a lovely vase or container with a wide mouth. A helpful trick if you're using a vintage tin/container that doesn't hold water - just pop a pint glass inside it to hold the flowers!

You simply plonk the frog at the base of your container (its lead base keeps it in place); add water and then spear the stems onto the copper spikes and then just add moss to hide the frog! Try not to have the stems all the same height and include stems that are naturally curving to create a more natural-looking arrangement.

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